29 research outputs found

    Robomind Utilization to Improve Student Motivation and Concept in Learning Programming

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    Robomind is one of the PAT (programming assistance tool) software that used as a tool for programming learning and improving the understanding of programming concepts, as well as improving the ability of logical thinking and problem solving. The advantages of Robomind compared to the other PATs are a simple graphical display and attractive, it can be used for students ranging from primary schools, secondary schools and further education. Besides design and features, Robomind has also fulfilled the Robert Gagne’s instructional theory concept. Theaim of this study is how to utilize robomind as a tool to motivate students in learning computer programming and know the students' responses to its use in understanding the programming concepts. This research is motivated by the lack of student motivation in learning programming that caused by the initial perception that programming is difficult. In addition, some programming elusive concepts also make the lack of motivation to learn programming. This research was conducted at the Department of ICT Education FKIP UNS on Structured Programming course in first semester. Results showed, there were 90% of students feel motivated to learn programming although not previously been familiar with programming at all. In addition, it is also obtained from  the survey that 20% of students who previously had studied programming, 85% of whom could have better understanding concepts that were previously less understood


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    Abstrak: Aplikasi  jaringan  syaraf  tiruan  untuk  menyelesaikan  permasalahan  komputasi  telah  banyak digunakan.  Salah  satunya  adalah  algoritma  jaringan  Hopfield  Linear  untuk  menyelesaikan  sistem persamaan  linear.  Algoritma  ini  memungkinkan  mesin  (komputer)  dapat  menyelesaikan  sistem persamaan linear dengan serangkaian proses training. Dalam artikel ini digunakan MATLAB untuk mengimplementasikan  algoritma  tersebut.  Output  dari  script  MATLAB  yang  dibuat  meliputi penyelesaian persamaan linear, informasi performa (running time) dan juga error beserta grafiknya.Keyword: sistem persamaan linear, jaringan syaraf buatan, jaringan Hopfield linear, MATLAB

    Remote interpreter API model for supporting computer programming adaptive learning

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    Despite the adoption of Learning Management Systems (LMS) has been continuously growing in the last decade few, if any, scholars addressed the lack of the interactivity in online learning systems. The requirement for an interactive learning model has been increasingly prominent as content providers realize the importance of personalization of content suits to learners’ learning progress. This paper demonstrates the adoption of adaptive learning into existing LMS engine to overcome the limitation of either systems plugins or server specification pertinent to students’ psychomotor abilities in computer programming learning. In this regard,  the psychomotor is understood as the ability of students to write the program code as correctly as expected. In this study, a web API model that works to run an interpreter based-program code remotely was developed. The web API model can be utilized by LMS so it becomes the solution to the problem. The structure of the web API model has been adapted to the needs of the learning assessment. The implementation of the developed API web model is done in Python and PHP programming languages. The performance test was done by submitting 10 to 100 program codes simultaneously indicated no significant difference to the required resources (CPU usage and memory usage) to run the program code. Furthermore, for response time, the average time needed to run Python and PHP program code is also no significant difference. The average of CPU usage required by the web API to run a Python program code is 0.2058% with 0.5973 seconds as a response time. Meanwhile, to run the PHP program code, the average CPU usage required is 0.8074% with 0.3110 seconds response time. It can be concluded that the web API performance does not overburden the server

    Implementation of Scratch Application to Improve Learning Outcomes and Student Motivation on Basic Programming Subjects

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    This study aims to improve learning outcomes and student motivation on Basic Programming Learning by utilizing the Scratch application. Research begins with identifying problems that occur in the classroom. Then designed an action to overcome it in an action cycle. In this study giving of the action takes place in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. In cycle 1, learning is implemented using problem-based learning model, while in cycle 2 using project-based learning. The technique of data collection is done through comprehension test, observation of learning activity, assignment of a portfolio, and interview to students and related teacher. Data analysis was done using quantitative and qualitative interactive analysis techniques. The results showed that the use of Scratch application can improve learning outcomes and student motivation. This is indicated by the percentage of the student’s learning outcomes completeness by 25.7% in pre-cycle, 71.4% in cycle 1, and 94.3% in cycle 2. While the percentage of student motivation is 40.3% in pre-cycle, 75.1% in cycle 1, and 83.9% on cycle 2

    Active Learning Strategies in Synchronous Online Learning for Elementary School Students

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    The Covid-19 pandemic gives an impact on education field. The face-to-face learning pattern in schools has shifted to distance learning which is carried out online. The implementation of online learning during the pandemic forces a digital transformation in education, causing several problems, two of which are technology and human resources. This article discusses the appropriate online learning strategies to use during a pandemic, especially for synchronous interaction models. Qualitative research with a narrative approach was used to explore teachers' experiences in learning, especially those related to the form of interaction between teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Active learning was chosen based on the results of observations and literature review through journal articles and proceedings that discuss interactive distance learning methods. Active learning strategies assisted by video conferencing applications that can be applied in online learning in elementary schools include: the use of Student Response Systems; Think Pair Share; One Minute Paper; Small Group Discussion; and Short Student Presentations

    Konsep dan Implementasi Pemrograman Python : Kasus Big Data

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    xii, 408 hlm.; 21 c

    Perspektif matematika untuk kelas XII SMA dan MA kelompok peminatan matematika dan ilmu alam. jilid 3

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    xii, 196 hlm.: 24 c

    Dasar Bahasa Pemrograman PHP

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    Perspektif matematika 3 untuk kelas XII SMA dan MA profram ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan bahasa

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    xi, 244 hlm.: 24 c

    67 trik & ide brilian master php

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